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日期: 2023-11-13      信息来源:      点击数:

   男;1963年9月出生;博士;教授;博士生导师、硕士生导师;主讲研究生课程为《专业外语》、《生态学原理与方法》、《高级环境生态学》和《文献综述及研究进展》,主讲博士生课程为《环境生态恢复与生态工程》,曾主持国际、国家级、省级项目30多项(其中,含主持国家自然科学基金9项),在国内外专业期刊SCI,EI,CSCD等发表学术论文180余篇。曾任贵州师范大学地理与生物学院副院长, 贵州师范大学校科技处副处长,贵州师范大学分析测试中心主任,贵州省山地环境重点实验室负责人。国家科技部重大国际合作项目评审专家、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家和教育部学位与研究生教育评估专家。


■ 教育经历




■ 留学经历

1. 2016/09-2017/03,美国, 哈佛大学(Harvard University),生态学,高级研究学者;

2. 2002/02-2003/02,英国, 里丁大学(University of Reading),苔藓植物学,访问教授;

3.1999/12-2000/12,英国,伦敦帝王学院(King's College London),植物生态学,客座副教授;

4.1998.10 -11, 英国,King's College London and The Natural History Museum, 访问副教授.

■ 工作经历



3.2002/12-2008.11,贵州师范大学,地理与生物科学学院, 副院长,教授,硕士生导师。



■ 研究方向

1. 喀斯特山地生态系统苔藓分类、进化生态与生物岩溶;

2. 工业矿山苔藓重金属污染监测与城市环境修复;

3. 石漠山地孢子植物多样性组成、结构与功能;

4. 山地农田泥炭藓生态与高原泥炭湿地环境保护;

5. 钙华隐花生物多样性与沉积水生生态系统保护。

■ 招生方向


■ 近五年代表性国家级科研项目

1、南方石化泉水生苔藓植物分类及其生物泉华分布规律, 国家自然科学基金委, 国家级,2024.1-2027.12,项目主持人。

2、碳酸盐型锰矿区苔藓植物分类及其对重金属污染环境的监测, 国家自然科学基金委, 国家级, 2020.1-2023.12,项目主持人。

3、南方喀斯特天坑苔藓植物区系特征及其分布规律研究, 国家自然科学基金委, 国家级,2018.1-1-2021.12,项目主持人。

4、岩溶型铝土矿区苔藓植物分类及其对金属污染环境的监测, 国家自然科学基金委, 国家级,2014.1-2017.12,项目主持人。

5、南方喀斯特山区石漠苔藓植物区系特征及其水土保持意义研究, 国家自然科学基金委, 国家级,2012.1-2015.12,项目主持人。

■ 近五年代表性论文与著作(*: 通讯作者)

1、Zhu Di, Wang Zhihui,Zhang Zhaohui*(通讯作者).Effects of heavy metal pollution and soil physicochemical properties on the Sphagnum farmland soil microbial community structure in Southern Guizhou, China, International Journal of Phytoremediation,2023,25(13):1762-1773.DOI: 10.1080/ 15226514. 2023. 2191139 (SCI收录,中科院4区)

2、Chen Pengpeng, Wang Zhihui,Zhang Zhaohui*(通讯作者).D Dynamic characteristics of soil heavy metals and microbial communities under moss cover at different successional stages in a manganese mining area. Environ Geochem Health,2023, 45(11), 7711–7726 (SCI收录,中科院3区)

3、Xu Sheng, Zhang Zhaohui*(通讯作者), Wang Zhihui. Potentially toxic elements have adverse effects on moss communities in the manganese mines of southern China. Environmental Pollution, 2022,Volume 305, 119255, Doi:https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.envpol. 2022. 119255. (SCI收录,中科院2区)

4、Lu Dan ,Zhang Zhaohui*(通讯作者), Wang Zhihui.Heavy metal uptake by bryophytes and vascular plants in a manganese carbonate slag field, China.Plant Biology,2022,24(2):380-386.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13375(SCI收录,中科院三区)

5、Han Jinhua,Wang Zhihui, ZhangZhaohui*(通讯作者).Responses of Acrocarpous Moss Communities to Heavy Metal (Fe, Mn, Cd) and Sulfur Pollution in the Changgou Carbonate Manganese Ore,SW China.Journal of Mountain Science,2022,19(5): 1292-1306DOIhttps:// doi.org /10.1007/ s11629-021-7023-9.(SCI收录,中科院4区)

6、Han Jinhua,Wang Zhihui, ZhangZhaohui*(通讯作者).Responses of Acrocarpous Moss Communities to Heavy Metal (Fe, Mn, Cd) and Sulfur Pollution in the Changgou Carbonate Manganese Ore,SW China.Journal of Mountain Science,2022,19(5): 1292-1306DOIhttps:// doi.org /10.1007/ s11629-021-7023-9. (SCI收录,中科院3区).

7、Haifeng Ding, Zhaohui Zhang*(通讯作者), Zhihui Wang, Qimei Wu, Dengfu Wang.Using mosses and lichen to study roadside pollution and the correlation of toxic elements and elevation in a mountainous area of Guizhou, China.Taiwania,2022,67(3):351-360. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2022.67.351(SCI收录,中科院4区)

8、Xu Sheng, ZhangZhaohui*(通讯作者), Wang Zhihui*.Effects of heavy metals on moss diversity and analysis of moss indicator species in Nancha manganese mining area, Southwestern China.Global Ecology and Conservation,2021, 28:2021, e01665. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021. e01665.(SCI收录,中科院2区)

9、Zhang Zheqi, Min Hongxia , Wang Zhihui*(通讯作者), Zhang Zhaohui . Study on the spore release of Polytrichum commune Hedw. var. commune by synergetic effects of sub-hygroscopic movement and wind. Plant Biology,2021,23(6):1018-1026.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13285(SCI收录,中科院2区)

10、Li Chengyi,Wang Zhihui, Wu Qimei, Zhang Zhaohui *(通讯作者).Effects of environmental factors and heavy metals on the vertical distribution of bryophytes in sinkhole environment. Plant Biology,2020, 22 (5):751-957. DOI: 10.1111/plb.13129.(SCI收录,中科院2区)

11、Li Chengyi, Wang Zhihui, Zhang Zhaohui *(通讯作者). Bryophyte diversity, life-forms, floristics and vertical distribution in a degraded karst sinkhole in Guizhou, China. Brazilian Journal of Botany,2020, 43:303–313, DOI: 10.1007/s40415-020-00607-6.(SCI收录,中科院4区)

12、Li Xiaofang, Zhang Zhaohui *(通讯作者), Wang Zhihui*,Kuangzheng Shi. Forest in Karst Mountain Sinkhole of Southeastern China Provides Refugium for the Preservation of Bryophyte Diversity. Acta Societatis botanicorum Polonniae, 2020,89(4): 8944.DOI: 10.5586/asbp.8944.(SCI收录,中科院4区)

13、Li Chengyi, Zhaohui Zhang,*(通讯作者) Wang Zhihui.Vertical distribution of liverwort communities and their relationship with environmental factors in a karst sinkhole in south-western China, Journal of Natural History, 2019,53(47-48): 2975-2989, DOI: 10.1080/00222933. 2020.1759723..(SCI收录,中科院4区)

14、Liu Run, Zhang Zhaohui*(通讯作者), Shen Jiachen, Wang Zhihui. Bryophyte diversity in karst sinkholes afected by diferent degrees of human disturbance., Acta Societatis Botanicorum Polonnia,2019;88(2):3620. DOI:https:// doi.org/10.5586/asbp.3620(SCI收录,中科院4区)

15、Wang Dengfu, Zhang Zhaohuii*(通讯作者). Higher plants as bioindicators of metal contamination from Shangdong abandoned karst bauxite, southwestern China.Plant Biology,2019, 22 (2) 323–330. DOI:10.1111/plb.13062(SCI收录,中科院2区)

16、Shen Jiachen, Zhang Zhaohuii*(通讯作者),Liu Run& Wang Zhihui (2018) Ecological restoration of eroded karst utilizing pioneer moss and vascular plant species with selection based on vegetation diversity and underlying soil chemistry, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20(14),1369-1379, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2018.1474435.(SCI收录,中科院4区)

17、Liu Run, Zhang Zhaohuii*(通讯作者), Shen Jiachen, Wang Zhihui. Analysis of metal content and vertical stratification of epiphytic mosses along a Karst Mountain highway. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018,25(29), 29605-29613. DOI 10.1007/s11356-018- 2883-4(SCI收录,中科院3区)

18、朱迪,张朝晖*(通讯作者),王智慧.高寨水库附近土壤-泥炭藓系统重金属富集特征与生态风险评价究.环境科学,2022,43(4):2115-2123.(卓越计划, 梯队期刊).

19、韩锦华,张朝晖*(通讯作者).水位控制对农田泥炭藓产量影响的研究.生态学报,2022,42(11):4582-4591. (卓越计划, 梯队期刊).

20、刘润,张朝晖*(通讯作者),申家琛,王智慧.苔藓群落特征对岩溶洞穴重金属污染的指示意义研究: 以贵州织金洞为例. 生物多样性,2018, 26(12):1277-1288.(卓越计划,梯队期刊).

21、申家琛,张朝晖*(通讯作者),王智慧.石漠化程度对苔藓植物多样性及其结皮土壤化学性质的影响.生态学报,2018,38(17):6043-6054.(卓越计划, 梯队期刊).

■ 学术职务


中国植物学会苔藓植物专业委员会, 副主任。


电话:0851-88563212, 88653801  邮件:sdhjzdsys@163.com

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