■ 教育经历
■ 工作经历
2023/7至今,贵州师范大学山地环境重点实验室 教师
■ 研究方向
1. 植物生态学;
2. 恢复生态学。
■ 著作与论文
1、CY Li, MZ He*, JX Ren, MF Li, L Tang. Kinetics of phosphorus sorption/desorption by soil aggregates in a long-term revegetation desert ecosystem[J]. Land Degradation & Development, 2022, 33(17),3401-3410.
2、CY Li, MZ He*, H Xu, L Tang. Differential response of microbial C, N, and P and their stoichiometry at different soil depths to precipitation in arid desert soils[J]. Eurasian Soil Science, 2022, 55(9):1323–1333.
3、CY Li, ZH Zhang*, ZH Wang, QM Wu. Effects of environmental factors and heavy metals on the vertical distribution of bryophytes in a sinkhole environment[J]. Plant Biology, 2020,22(5):822-831.
4、CY Li, ZH Zhang*, ZH Wang, QM Wu. Bryophyte diversity, life-forms, floristics and vertical distribution in a degraded karst sinkhole in Guizhou, China[J]. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2020,43(2):303-313.
5、CY Li, ZH Zhang*, XF Li, J Wu, ZH Wang. Vertical distribution of liverwort communities and their relationship with environmental factors in a karst sinkhole in south-western China[J]. Journal of Natural History, 2019,53(47-48):2975-2987.
■ 学术职务
International Association of Bryologists 会员;
中国生态学会 会员。