■ 教育经历
■ 工作经历
■ 研究方向
1. 新型污染物的迁移转化;
2. 基于分子生物学手段的水体生态学。
■ 科研项目
《页岩气开采场地土壤和地下水污染过程及机制》, 国家重点研发课题子项目,国家科技部,2020.01-2023.12,在研,主持/排1,20万元。
2. 《氧气对Fe(II)EDTA吸收-铁还原耦合自养微生物法去除NO的影响机制研究》,重庆市博士后基金,重庆市科技局,2020.09-2022.12,完成,主持/排1,10万元。
3. 《Fe(II)EDTA吸收-铁床还原耦合厌氧氨氧化去除烟气中NO的技术研究》,重庆市留学回国人员创新支持计划-重点资助,重庆市人社局,2020.05-2021.10,完成,主持/排1,
4. 《页岩气开采返排水受纳水体典型污染物及其农业灌溉风险研究》,重庆大学国家重点实验室开放基金,重庆大学,2022.07-2023.12,在研,主持/排1,10万元。
参与的科研项目: 1. 《川渝地区页岩气开采业温室气体排放核算与减排技术开发与应用》,重庆市重点研发计划,400万元,重庆市科技局,在研,项目技术骨干。 |
2. 厌氧氨氧化协同反硝化去除油田废水中的苯系物机制及影响因素,重庆市重点面上,排名第三,50万元,结题,项目技术骨干。 3. 颗粒污泥自营养脱氮的NOx强化机理与微生物种群动力学(51078365),国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元; 4. 欧盟“SOLUTIONS- for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management (603437)” ,2100万欧,参与水体中新型污染物的环境风险评价工作。 |
■ 著作与论文
1. 《Changes in community structure and microbiological risks in a small stream after receiving treated shale gas wastewater for two years》,《Environmental Pollution》, 2023.10, 第一作者, B类期刊,中科院SCI二区。
2. 《River water influenced by shale gas wastewater discharge for paddy irrigation has limited effects on soil properties and microbial communities》,《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》, 2023.02, 通讯作者, A类期刊,中科院SCI小类一区。
3. 《Combining eDNA and morphological approaches to reveal the impacts of long-term discharges of shale gas wastewaters on receiving waters》,《Water Research》, 2022.08, 通讯作者, A类期刊,中科院SCI一区。
4. 《Risk assessment of pollutants in flowback and produced waters and sludge in impoundments》,《Science of The Total Environment》, 2022.03, 通讯作者, A类期刊,中科院SCI一区。
5. 《Nitric Oxide-Dependent Biodegradation of Phenanthrene and Fluoranthene: The Co-occurrence of Anaerobic and Intra-aerobic Pathways》,《Science of The Total Environment》, 2021.03, 通讯作者, A类期刊,中科院SCI一区。
6. 《Bioanalytical equivalents and relative potencies for predicting the biological effects of mixtures》,《Science of The Total Environment》, 2021.04, 通讯作者, A类期刊,中科院SCI一区。
7. 《Phenol and Benzoate in Single and Combination on Anammox Activity: Implication to the Denitrification-Anammox synergy》,《Biodegradation》, 2018.09, 第一作者, B类期刊,中科院SCI三区。
8. 《Denitrification synergized with ANAMMOX for the anaerobic degradation of benzene: performance and microbial community structure》,《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》, 2017.02, 第一作者, B类期刊,中科院SCI二区。
9. 《Characterization of microbial communities and functions in shale gas wastewaters and sludge: Implications for pretreatment》,《Journal of Hazardous Materials》,2022.02,共同第一,A类期刊,中科院SCI一区。
10. 《化学-生物还原联合法去除烟气中NO研究进展》,《应用与环境生物学报》,2022.03, 通讯作者, 中文核心。
1. XinkuanHan,ShuchanPeng,LilanZhang,PeiliLu,DaijunZhang, The Co-occurrence of DNRA and Anammox during the anaerobic degradation of benzene under denitrification.Chemosphere.247(2020). 125968.
2. Shangbo Zhou, Yixin He, Xingzhong Yuan, Shuchan Peng, Junsheng Yue.Greenhouse gas emissions from different landuse areas in the Littoral Zone of theThree Gorges Reservoir, China. Ecological Engineering, 2017(100): 316-324.
3. Jing Zhang, Lulu Ren, Daijun Zhang, Jianing Li, Shuchan Peng, Xinkuan Han, Aqiang Ding, PeiliLu. Reduction of NO to N2 in an autotrophic up-flow bioreactor with sponge ironbed based Fe(II)EDTA complexation. Fuel, 254 (2019) 115631.
4. Zongbao Yao, Peili Lu, Daijun Zhang, Xinyu Wan, Yulian Li, ShuchanPeng. Stoichiometry and kinetics of the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) with trace hydrazine addition. Bioresource Technology, 2015(198):70-76.
5. Zongbao Yao, Daijun Zhang, Pengying Xiao, Shuchan Peng, Peili Lu, Xinyu Wan, Qiang He. Long-term addition of micro-amount hydrazine enhanced nitrogen removal and reduced NO and NO3- production in a SBR performing Anammox. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2016(91): 514-521.
6. Zhou Shangbo, Yuan Xingzhong, Peng Shuchan, Yue Junsheng, Wang Xiaofeng Liu Hong, Williams D. Dudley. Groundwater-surface water interactions in the hyporheic zone under climate change scenarios. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014. 21(24):13943-13955.
■ 学术职务
环境科学学会 会员。