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日期: 2023-11-14      信息来源:      点击数:



■ 教育经历




■ 工作经历

2021年7月至今,贵州师范大学科学技术处 处长

2020年11月-2021年6月,贵州师范大学科学技术处 副处长(主持工作)

2017年11月-2020年10月,贵州师范大学材料与建筑工程学院 副院长

2005年8月-2017年10月,贵州师范大学材料与建筑工程学院 教师

■ 研究方向

1. 轻量化材料及装备;

2. 生物降解材料及制品;

3. 功能助剂合成及电池材料。

■ 招生方向


■ 近5年来主持科研项目

1. 聚烯烃注塑微发泡动态机理和数理模型,国家自然基金委,地区项目,2021.01-2024.12;

2. 轻量化聚烯烃结构材料成核、长大过程调控及模型建立,贵州省科技厅,省基金重点项目,2021.04-2025.04;

3. PPR、PVC 抗低温耐老化关键技术集成应用与示范,贵州省科技厅,省成果转化项目,2023.04-2025.03;

4. 聚合物微发泡关键技术集成及汽车轻量化工程化应用能力建设,贵州省科技厅,省级创新能力建设项目,2018.09-2021. 09;


■ 著作与论文


1. Xin Yang, Xiang-lin Pei, Jia-jie Xu, Zhi-peng Yang, Wei Gong*, and Jin-cheng Zhong*,Influence of temperature distribution on the foaming quality of foamed polypropylene composites,e-Polymers 2023; 23:20228093(SCI收录,4区)

2. Qi Chen , Anping Wang *, Wenxuan Quan, Wei Gong *,Efficient synthesis of biodiesel from Hyoscyamus niger L. seed oil by base catalysis ,Fuel Processing Technology, 2023,241 (12) 107630-107640. (SCI收录,1区)

3. Jincheng Zhong , Zhu Luo * , Hao Zhang , Yongchun Ji , Xingyu Wang , Wei Gong * ,Influence of interfacial property param of short fiber/rubber composites on fatigue behavior ,International Journal of Fatigue 167 2023(10) :107312-107324.(SCI收录,1区)

4. Xiao-Di Su, Zhu-Sheng Yang, Wei Gong,*Zhi-Xiang Wang and Xiang-Yu Chen, Additive free, N-heterocyclic nitrenium catalyzed photoreduction of cycloketone oxime esters, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2023, 10, 1160-1165. (SCI收录,1区)

5.Jinfu Xing, Bujin Liu, Tuanhui Jiang, Yujing You, Xiangbu Zeng, Jinkui Yang, Chun Zhang, Wei Gong*and Li He *,Study on the definition, mechanism and controllability of secondary bubbles based on the bubble nucleation model in injection foaming polypropylene,|RSC Adv, 2023, 13, 2746–2755 (SCI收录,3区)

6. Nenggui Zhu,Chao Shen, Xiangbu Zeng,Shengnan Li,Tuanhui Jiang,Wei Gong*,Li He*,Enhancing the foaming properties of polypropylene/basalt fiber composites by altering their rheological and crystallization behavior via polyethylene–octene blending modification,Polymer Composites. 2023;27650–27663.DOI: 10.1002/pc.27650(SCI收录,2区

7.Nenggui Zhu,Tuanhui Jiang,Xiangbu Zeng,Shengnan Li ,Chao Shen, Wei Gong* ,Li He*,High strength and light weight polyamide 6/carbon fiber composite foams for electromagnetic interference shielding,J Appl Polym Sci. 2023;140:e53818-5329.(SCI收录,3区

10.Yutie Gong, Weijie Zhou, Hairong Li, Xianglin Pei, Wenqi Wu, Ziwei Zhan,Ming Jiang,*, and Wei Gong*,Synchronously improved dielectric and mechanical properties of polar-phase preferential polyvinylidene fluoride films,J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,2022,57(3):1-11(SCI收录,3区)

12. Lushuai Cao, Tuanhui Jiang, Bujin Liu, Ming Li, Di Zhang, Wei Gong*, and Li He*,Effects of grafting and long-chain branching structures on rheological behavior,crystallization properties, foaming performance and mechanical properties of polyamide 6,e-Polymers 2022; 22: 249–263.(SCI收录,4区)

13.Lingyu Zhang, Siyu Long, Huibin Jiao,Zhuoyue Liu,Ping Zhang, Aiwen Lei,Wei Gong *, Xianglin Pei *,Cellulose derived Pd nano-catalyst for efficient catalysis,RSC Advances , 2022, 12, 18676–18684.(SCI收录,3区)

14.Siyu Long , Lingyu Zhang, Zhuoyue Liu, Huibin Jiao , Aiwen Lei , Wei Gong,* and Xianglin Pei ,*Fabrication of Biomass Derived Pt-Ni Bimetallic Catalyst and Its Selective Hydrogenation for 4-Nitrostyrene,Nanomaterials ,2022, 12, 2968-2979.(SCI收录,3区)

15.Di Zhang, Ming Li, Lushuai Cao, Bujin Liu , Tuanhui Jiang, Xiangbu Zeng, Chun Zhang,Wei Gong∗ and Li He∗,Experimental and simulation analysis of bubble deformation in foaming polypropylene,Mater. Res. Express , 2022 (9): 085304-085319. (SCI收录,3区)

16. Bujin Liu, Tuanhui Jiang , Xiangbu Zeng, Chun Zhang, Wei Gong*, Li He**,The controlled preparation of secondary cells realizes the bimodal structure through two different pressure drop methods, Polymer,2022,256(8):125198-125209. (SCI收录,2区)

17.Yutie Gong , Zhenzhen Li, Hairong Li, Weijie Zhou, Jiayu Zhao , Xianglin Pei , Ming Jiang*, Wei Gong ** ,Scalable room-temperature dielectric switchable composites with giant contrast ratio and great cycle stability,Composites Communications,2022(36):101407-101413.(SCI收录,2区)

18.Wei Gong; Di Zhang; Chun Zhang; Xiangbu Zeng; Li He*; Tuan-hui Jiang,Deformation and Simulation of the Cellular Structure of Foamed Polypropylene Composites,Polymers,2022,14, 23,5103-5120.(SCI收录,3区)

19. Hai Fu, De-xian Yin,Tian-hao Wang,Wei Gong*, Hong-fu Zhou,Open Pore Morphology Evolution in Poly(butylenesuccinate)/Chitin Nanocrystal Nanocomposite Foams,Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2022) 30:401–414,(SCI收录,3区).

20. Yue-fei Zhang, Xue-fei Liu, *Zhen Wang,*Xi-hao Chen,-Wen-jun Xiao,Tian-yun Liu,Wei Gong,*Xun Zhou,* Xianglin Pei and Zhaofu Zhang,The GaPS2Se2 monolayer: a novel stable 2D Janus semiconductor with anisotropic properties for spontaneous water splitting under the irradiation of solar light,J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 17135–17144.(SCI收录,2区)

■ 专利及获奖


1. 一种含有受阻酚类季鏻盐改性蒙脱土抗氧剂的聚酰胺及其制备方法,ZL201410816496.X;

2. 一种含有受阻酚类季鏻盐改性蒙脱土抗氧剂的聚烯烃及其制备方法,ZL201410816513.X

3. 一种高密度聚乙烯增韧母粒及其制备方法和其在高密度聚乙烯管材中的应用,ZL201610598724.X

4. 一种受阻酚类季鏻盐改性蒙脱土协效无卤膨胀阻燃剂的制备方法及应用,ZL201520393228.1

5. 一种环保型化学发泡剂及其制备方法,ZL202110119148.7

6. 一种功能化热膨胀型发泡微胶囊的应用方法,ZL202210943063.5


1. 2022年5月,获奖项目名称:功能化耐磨鞋用橡胶材料技术集成及成果转化 ,获贵州省科技进步二等奖,排名:第一。

2. 2020年6月,获奖项目名称:PPR、PVC 抗低温耐老化技术在建筑管材中的产业化应用,获贵州省科技进步二等奖,排名:第一。

3. 2016年1月,获奖项目名称:微发泡聚合物材料结构、性能及微发泡技术,获贵州省科技进步二等奖,排名:第一。

■ 学术职务


1. 中国化工学会化工新材料专业委员会/专家委员;

2. SAMPE中国大陆总会聚合物发泡与多孔材料专业委员会/副主任;

3. 贵州省化学化工学会/副理事长;

4. 贵州省成果转移转化学会/副理事长;

5. 《塑料工业》杂志编委会/编委;

6. 贵州省食品直接接触材料及制品标准化技术委员会/专家委员;


电话:0851-88563212, 88653801  邮件:sdhjzdsys@163.com

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