■ 教育经历
■ 工作经历
2023/6至今,贵州师范大学山地环境重点实验室 教师
■ 研究方向
1. 湿地生态系统评价,淡水生物群落时空演化及驱动因素。
2. 苔藓植物种群构建及其对极端环境的抗性研究。
■ 著作与论文
1. Shen, J. Gu, X. Liu R. (2022) Damming has changed the migration process of microplastics and increased the pollution risk in the reservoirs in the Shaying River Basin. Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI 1 区, TOP,IF=14.22)
2. Shen, J., Qin, G., Yu, R., Zhao, Y., & Wan, Y. (2022). Effects of seasonal hydrological regulation of cascade dams on the functional diversity of zooplankton: Implications for the management of massive reservoirs and dams. Journal of Hydrology,25(29): 29605-29613. (SCI 1 区, TOP, IF=6.708)
3. Shen, J., Qin, G., Yu, R., Zhao, Y., & Wan, Y. (2021). Urbanization has changed the distribution pattern of zooplankton species diversity and the structure of functional groups. Ecological Indicators, 120(11), 106944.(SCI 2区,IF=6.263)
4. Shen J,Zhang ZH, Liu R, Wang ZH., (2018). Ecological restoration of eroded karst utilizing pioneer moss and vascular plant species with selection based on vegetation diversity and underlying soil chemistry. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 20(14):1369-1379. (SCI 3 区,IF=4.003)
5. 申家琛, 张朝晖, 王慧慧,等. 石漠化程度对苔藓植物多样性及其结皮土壤化学性质的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2018, (17):42-51. (一级学报)
6. 刘润,申家琛,张朝晖,等.4 种苔藓植物在喀斯特石漠化地区的生态修复意义研究[J].水土保持学报.2018,35(6):77-81. (一级学报,共一作者)
7. 申家琛, 张朝晖, 王慧慧,等. 贵阳喀斯特公园南石林秋季藓类植物的持水特性[J]. 生态与农村环境学报,2017, 33(10):907-912 (北大核心).
8. 申家琛, 张朝晖, 王慧慧,等. 贵阳喀斯特公园南石林苔藓植物对石灰岩的溶蚀作用及环境相关性研究[J].中国岩溶, 2018, 37(1):1-10 (北大核心).